A spinner is almost never the wrong choice on any trout stream. Some spinners are almost always in the drift, and their spent, helpless posture seems to work as well on garbage feeders as on picky hatch-seekers. But the problem with most spinner patterns is that they don’t capture the wide fanned out wings of the natural, and they are hard to see, particularly during the evenings when most spinners fall. The Splitsville Spinner solves both problems. Its unique construction fans the wings out widely from their base, just like the naturals, and the barred hackle splitting those wings provides incredible buoyancy and visibility and a wonderful, broken profile. Countless big trout – including some two-footers – have confidently tipped up on the Splitsville when other patterns were shunned.
Inhalt: 6 Stück
RIO Products5050 So. Yellowstone Highway
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402
Verantwortliche Person
Rudi Heger GmbHHauptstr. 4
83313 Siegsdorf
Telefon: 08662 7070
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