Produktinformationen "The Feather Bender's Flytying Techniques"
Dies ist ein bahnbrechendes Fliegenbindebuch.
In diesem englischsprachigen Buch von Barry Ord Clark befinden sich QR-Codes/YouTube-Links für jedes einzelne gezeigte Muster.
• It is the first to have a QR code/YouTube link for every single pattern demonstrated. You can now watch the whole process online then turn to the matching chapter in the book to find the recipe and follow all the step-by-step instructions so that you can tie your own fly in your own time.
• It has an online link with the author – expert tyer Barry Ord Clarke – who you can contact direct if you run into any difficulties! He will respond to all questions.
• The book’s focus is on techniques: world-class fly tyer Ord Clarke demonstrates with crystal-clear photographs his own ‘takes’ on how to tie your own excellent flies – simply and quickly!
Autor: Barry Ord Clarke
Format: 276 x 216 mm (Hardcover)
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 256