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- Interview Gerhard Laible
- Fliegenfischen für Anfänger
- Gastfischer aus dem Ausland
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- Fliegenfischen auf Äsche
- Das richtige Vorfach zum Fliegenfischen
- Wathose Kaufberatung
- RIO Fliegenschnur Forelle
- Saisonstart - Ausrüstungscheck
- Fliegenfischen auf Huchen
- RIO SlickCast & ConnectCore Plus
- Fliegenfischen auf Karpfen
- Fliegenfischen mit der Maifliege
- Fliegenrute Meerforelle
- SAGE R8 Technologie
- Fliegenfischen auf Hecht
- Czech- / Euro-Nymphing
- Trout Spey Fliegenfischen
- Vorteile Off Bead Nymphen
Fliegenfischen im Salzwasser
- Fliegenfischen auf Bonefish
- Zubehör
- HANAK Competition
- Fliegenfischen auf Forelle mit Grashüpfern
- Fliegenbinden
- Gewässer
Fliegenfischen im Salzwasser
The ideal bonefish combination should be able to effectively handle conditions that can vary from completely calm to extremely windy and this set-up does that to perfection. It will effortlessly deliver a silent presentation that won’t disturb even the spookiest bonefish in quiet shallows, yet it is equally as efficient when it comes to driving a tight loop into a strong head-wind with precision. The high-capacity reel’s silky-smooth drag never misses a beat and protects the lightest tippets even when a double-digit monster heads toward the horizon on a signature blistering run. When it comes to stalking bonefish, this is the quintessential outfit."
— Jon Cave, Sage Ambassador
Line: RIO DirectCore Flats Pro WF8F (LINK)
Catching a permit on fly requires patience, perseverance, and the right fly rod and fly line. To be successful you must be accurate with the fly presentation in all types of conditions. The 9 weight SALT HD rod with RIO FlatsPro Fly Line gives you the confidence to be successful and meet the demands of permit on fly."Rod: SALT HD 990-4 (LINK)
— Raz Reid, Southeast Sage Rep
Line: RIO DirectCore Flats Pro WF9F (LINK)
Bar none, Tarpon are the most rigorously demanding shallow water gamefish of an angler’s tackle, and the SALT HD stands up to the test. The responsiveness of KonneticHD Technology provides my anglers with the ability to present flies delicately at short distances to laid up Tarpon in off-colored water, while still maintaining the ability to reach out far to strings of swimming fish. The low stretch properties of DirectCore incorporated in the Flats Pro makes the insurmountable feat of penetrating a Tarpons mouth more feasible and ensures in increasing more quality hook ups, amounting to less fish jumping off. The dynamic duo pairing of the SALT HD with the Flats Pro aids in leveling the playing field for all anglers in pursuit of these mythical dinosaurs that lurk beneath the surface."
— Capt. Camp Walker, Sage Elite Pro
Longsleeve Cap Cool Daily Fish Graphic Shirt (FTFL)
M's L/S Cap Cool Daily Fish Graphic Shirt (Fitz Roy Trout: Subtidal Blue)
ENFORCER Fliegenrolle (tempest blue)
ENFORCER Fliegenrolle (granite)
ENFORCER Fliegenrolle (stealth)
SALT R8 Fliegenrute
990-4 SALT R8 Special Edition Fliegenrute
Grand Slam Master Set
Grande Rolle (marine)
Billy Pate Bonefish Fliegenrolle
Salt HD Fliegenrute
Freestone Rolle
BogaGrip Fischgreifer
Schnurkorb Linekurv
Super Backing 45 lbs (pink)
3er-Pack Stripping Guards (beige)
3er-Pack Stripping Guards (Regenbogenforelle)
Aluminium Power Pliers
Raubfisch Hakenlösezange
Spectrum MAX Rolle (chipotle Edition)