Product information "Trout Special Leader (with Loop)"
A continual meditation on improvement possibilities for tried and tested products is one of our basic skills. Even when fishing we see it as our duty to spend some of that time cosidering the question - What can we improve on? This is how the Trout Special and the Grayling Special leaders came to be.
The Trout Special Leader with its 290 cm avoids scaring spooky fish by keeping the shadow of the fly line as far as possible from the quarry. The positive turn over qualities of all of our leaders is an accepted fact amongst fly fisherman. This leader presents all sizes of dry fly accurately and precisely. It can also be used for weighted nymphs and jigs that don't have to be fished at great depths. The Trout Special comes with either a Super-Quick-Joint or Loop to Loop joint.
The TRAUN RIVER Full Function Leaders are characterized by the following features:
- Extremely versatile
- Handmade from high quality nylon
- Outstanding stretching and rolling properties through progressive taping
- Durable and sturdy
- With loop connection to the flying line
- With integrated rip-off ring that allows quick replacement of the leader material at the tip regardless of its diameter
- Well balanced
All braided TRAUN RIVER leaders have an elegant loop at the end for easy connection with the fly line.
In addition, each of these leaders is equipped with a leader ring, or nylon loop on Dry Fly 8ft. As a result, the leader strength can be varied and the leader material can be renewed.
Traun River GmbHHauptstr. 4
83313 Siegsdorf
+498662 7070
Verantwortliche Person
Rudi Heger GmbHHauptstr. 4
83313 Siegsdorf
+498662 7070
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