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Textile Fish Carp (61 cm)

Product information "Textile Fish Carp (61 cm)"

Bring your passion for fish into your living room or children's room with this handmade textile fish, or use it to decorate your clubhouse. Also ideal as a gift for fish enthusiasts.


  • Length: 61 cm
  • Material: 100% Polyester
  • Made in Europe

About the Carp (Cyprinus Carpio):
The Carp is a very popular fish and well know species. The Carp has become a famous breeding species after its domestication of the Romans and Chinese. The Carp has gained a lot of variations, from full-scaled species to ones without any scales. They prefer calm, warm waters and like to eat larvas, crustaceans, molluscs and worms form the ground. Due to its fighting power, strength and sometimes huge size, the carp has become a very popular fish for anglers around the world. Carp are traditional and popular food fish.

Manufacturer "Gaby Fish"

Gaby Fish - stuffed fish / cuddly fish 

The Polish company Gaby Fish specializes in the production of stuffed fish. They offer a wide range of different types of fish. All products are certified by the testing company SGS GB and all products are CE compliant.
 The beautiful cuddly fish from Gaby Fish make anglers' and children's hearts beat faster! 
We offer you a large selection of different types and sizes of fish!

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Gaby Fish
Gaby Fish - stuffed fish / cuddly fish The Polish company Gaby Fish specializes in the production of stuffed fish. They offer a wide range of different types of fish. All products are certified by the testing company SGS GB and all products are CE compliant. The beautiful cuddly fish from Gaby Fish make anglers' and children's hearts beat faster! We offer you a large selection of different types and sizes of fish!

Textile Fish Atlantic Cod (75 cm)

Bring your passion for fish into your living room or children's room with this handmade textile fish, or use it to decorate your clubhouse. Also ideal as a gift for fish enthusiasts. Specifications: Length: 75 cm Material: 100% Polyester Made in Europe About the Atlantic Cod (Gadus Morhua):The Atlantic Cod (Gadus Morhua) is a predatory saltwater fish present in the Northern Atlantic Ocean as well as the seas of northern Europe, including the Baltic. It is a schooling fish which lives in deep water. Cod and members of their family feed mainly on small marine organism, especially small fish. It features a characteristics color pattern along its side. Cod is an important economic part of the fisheries of northern Europe, though continued pressure on its populations has seen stocks dwindle in the past decades. It, nonetheless, remains a highly prized fish by anglers.


Textile Fish Atlantic Salmon (90 cm)

Bring your passion for fish into your living room or children's room with this handmade textile fish, or use it to decorate your clubhouse. Also ideal as a gift for fish enthusiasts. Specifications: Length: 90 cm Material: 100% Polyester Made in Europe About the Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar):The Atlantic Salmon is the most noble representative of the salmonids (Salmonidae). The geographical distribution of the species, within Europe,  includes most coastal waters of the White Sea through to the North Sea as well as the Baltic and extends south to northern Portugal. It spends most of its life in the sea, with the exception of spawning when it returns and “runs” in fresh water. During spawning, migratory salmon instinctively come back  to the streams where they hatched. Some Atlantic Salmon die after spawning, exhausted by their journey and lack of caloric intake. The Salmon is a true predator. Young fish feed on insects and invertebrates, while adults feed nearly exclusively on fish. Populations of wild salmon in Europe are decreasing rapidly. The biggest threat being destruction and pollution of habitat and barricading natural ascension route in rivers and streams.


Textile Fish Barbel (80 cm)

Bring your passion for fish into your living room or children's room with this handmade textile fish, or use it to decorate your clubhouse. Also ideal as a gift for fish enthusiasts. Specifications: Length: 80 cm Material: 100% Polyester Made in Europe About the Barbel (Barbus barbus):The barbel is an iconic river species from the cyprinidae family. It prefers highly oxygenated waters with strong currents and sandy or pebbled bottoms. The species is native to Northern and Eastern Europe and has a characteristic elongated and aerodynamic body with a dark back and golden sides. It feeds on small organisms like gastropods, insects and small crustaceans. Barbel roe is poisonous to humans. It is an incredibly popular species amongst anglers due to its sheer strength and endurance.


Textile Fish Bluefin Tuna (66 cm)

Bring your passion for fish into your living room or children's room with this handmade textile fish, or use it to decorate your clubhouse. Also ideal as a gift for fish enthusiasts. Specifications: Length: 66 cm Material: 100% Polyester Made in Europe About the Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus Thynnus):The bluefin tuna is a large migratory fish of the mackerel family (Scombridae). It is native to the waters of the western and eastern Atlantic Ocean, as well as the Mediterranean Sea. Record specimens can exceed 900kg in weight and  reach some 4 meters in length. It is characterized by its fusiform and ideally aerodynamic shape, as well as having the most advanced thermoregulation system of all bony fish. As all tuna, the bluefin is an excellent hunter, feeding mainly on small fish and squid. Globally, the bluefin is at risk of extinction and is currently one of the most threatened fish species.


Textile Fish Brook Trout (62 cm)

Bring your passion for fish into your living room or children's room with this handmade textile fish, or use it to decorate your clubhouse. Also ideal as a gift for fish enthusiasts. Specifications: Length: 62 cm Material: 100% Polyester Made in Europe About the Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis):The Brook Trout is a vibrantly colored member of the Salmonids. It is indigenous to the north-eastern part of North America but was introduced to Europe and other parts of the world at the end of the 19th century. It prefers cold water streams and rivers and is a formidable predator, feeding on insects, leeches and small fish. The species is characterized by a brown or olive body with bright yellow or red spots on the sides and white fin contours.


Textile Fish Brown Trout (62 cm)

Bring your passion for fish into your living room or children's room with this handmade textile fish, or use it to decorate your clubhouse. Also ideal as a gift for fish enthusiasts. Specifications: Length: 62 cm Material: 100% Polyester Made in Europe About the Brown Trout (Salmo Trutta M Fario):The Brown Trout is a species of salmonid. Its natural habitat is cold and fresh water. It originally inhabited almost all of Europe and was present in small numbers in Asia. Meanwhile it has been imported to every continent except Antarctica. The colouring of the Brown Trout varies considerably depending on its surrounding, but in general, it has black and red spots against a yellow-white or yellowish body colour. As a predatory fish, it feeds on small water animals, insects and small fish. Recent years have seen a drastic decline in Brown Trout populations. Causes have been manifold but underline the species’ vulnerability. Conservation of natural and original habitats, along with assistance in natural reproduction of this species could be its only rescue.


Textile Fish Brown Trout Mini (36 cm)

Bring your passion for fish into your living room or children's room with this handmade textile fish, or use it to decorate your clubhouse. Also ideal as a gift for fish enthusiasts. Specifications: Length: 36 cm Material: 100% Polyester Made in Europe About the Brown Trout (Salmo Trutta M Fario):The Brown Trout is a species of salmonid. Its natural habitat is cold and fresh water. It originally inhabited almost all of Europe and was present in small numbers in Asia. Meanwhile it has been imported to every continent except Antarctica. The colouring of the Brown Trout varies considerably depending on its surrounding, but in general, it has black and red spots against a yellow-white or yellowish body colour. As a predatory fish, it feeds on small water animals, insects and small fish. Recent years have seen a drastic decline in Brown Trout populations. Causes have been manifold but underline the species’ vulnerability. Conservation of natural and original habitats, along with assistance in natural reproduction of this species could be its only rescue.


Textile Fish Catfish small (62 cm)

Bring your passion for fish into your living room or children's room with this handmade textile fish, or use it to decorate your clubhouse. Also ideal as a gift for fish enthusiasts. Specifications: Length: 62 cm Material: 100% Polyester Made in Europe About the Wels Catfish (Silurus Glanis):The Wels Catfish is the largest freshwater predatory fish in Europe. It’s prime habitat are warm, slow-floating waters in central, southern and eastern Europe. A true giant! The wels can reach more up to three meters in length and can weigh more than 200kg. The Wels is a mostly nocturnal fish, feeding primarily on fish and other live prey. The species has a specific body shape, smooth skin and long “whiskers” or barbels which are used for orientation and to locate food. It is a popular gamefish, renowned for its cunning and strength.


Textile Fish Common Carp (64 cm)

Bring your passion for fish into your living room or children's room with this handmade textile fish, or use it to decorate your clubhouse. Also ideal as a gift for fish enthusiasts. Specifications: Length: 64 cm Material: 100% Polyester Made in Europe About the Carp (Cyprinus Carpio):The Carp is a very popular fish and well know species. The Carp has become a famous breeding species after its domestication of the Romans and Chinese. The Carp has gained a lot of variations, from full-scaled species to ones without any scales. They prefer calm, warm waters and like to eat larvas, crustaceans, molluscs and worms form the ground. Due to its fighting power, strength and sometimes huge size, the carp has become a very popular fish for anglers around the world. Carp are traditional and popular food fish.


Textile Fish Giant Carp (90 cm)

Bring your passion for fish into your living room or children's room with this handmade textile fish, or use it to decorate your clubhouse. Also ideal as a gift for fish enthusiasts. Specifications: Length: 90 cm Material: 100% Polyester Made in Europe About the Carp (Cyprinus Carpio):The Carp is a very popular fish and well know species. The Carp has become a famous breeding species after its domestication of the Romans and Chinese. The Carp has gained a lot of variations, from full-scaled species to ones without any scales. They prefer calm, warm waters and like to eat larvas, crustaceans, molluscs and worms form the ground. Due to its fighting power, strength and sometimes huge size, the carp has become a very popular fish for anglers around the world. Carp are traditional and popular food fish.


Textile Fish Giant Pike (115 cm)

Bring your passion for fish into your living room or children's room with this handmade textile fish, or use it to decorate your clubhouse. Also ideal as a gift for fish enthusiasts. Specifications: Length: 115 cm Material: 100% Polyester Made in Europe About the Pike (Esox Lucius):The Northern Pike is a species of carnivorous fish of the genus Esox. It inhabits almost every freshwater in the world and some coastal areas of seas. It exhibits the typical features of an ambush predator; a long body shape and camouflage colouring. The Pike a very agressive hunter and feeds mainly on fish, small aquatic animals like frogs, rodents and birds. It is very sporting and highly sought after fish knows for its extravagant lunges and jumps. Fishing and Fly fishing on Pike become very popular today. It is, nonetheless, a very sensitive species and reacts negatively to changes in the environment.


Textile Fish Giant Zander (110 cm)

Bring your passion for fish into your living room or children's room with this handmade textile fish, or use it to decorate your clubhouse. Also ideal as a gift for fish enthusiasts. Specifications: Length: 110 cm Material: 100% Polyester Made in Europe About the Zander (Sander Lucioperca):The Zander is a member of the perch family. The geographical range of this fish is Europe from the Rhine basin to the Caspian Sea. It inhabits all kinds of waters with the exception of fast-flowing mountain streams. It feels the best in deep lakes, reservoirs and large lowland rivers. The shape, coloration, as well as its mode of life show all the characteristics of a perfect predator. An important part of the lives of these fish is spawning period; the Zander builds the so-called nests where the roe is made and protected by the Zander males until the brood of juveniles. The Zander is very careful and cunning species of fish so that it became an icon of European fishing.


Textile Fish Grayling (65 cm)

Bring your passion for fish into your living room or children's room with this handmade textile fish, or use it to decorate your clubhouse. Also ideal as a gift for fish enthusiasts. Specifications: Length: 65 cm Material: 100% Polyester Made in Europe About the Grayling (Thymallus Thymallus):The grayling is a beautiful species native to central and northern Europe. It is characterized by a prominent and lively coloured dorsal fin. It lives in cold, well oxygenated waters and can be found mainly in rivers. Grayling feed on insects, invertebrates and occasionally small fish. The species is emblematic of European fly fishing. It is, however, a very delicate fish and quite perceptive to climate and environmental changes. These environmental change are a large factor in the dwindling of grayling populations across the continent.


Textile Fish Mini Carp (36 cm)

Bring your passion for fish into your living room or children's room with this handmade textile fish, or use it to decorate your clubhouse. Also ideal as a gift for fish enthusiasts. Specifications: Length: 36 cm Material: 100% Polyester Made in Europe About the Carp (Cyprinus Carpio):The Carp is a very popular fish and well know species. The Carp has become a famous breeding species after its domestication of the Romans and Chinese. The Carp has gained a lot of variations, from full-scaled species to ones without any scales. They prefer calm, warm waters and like to eat larvas, crustaceans, molluscs and worms form the ground. Due to its fighting power, strength and sometimes huge size, the carp has become a very popular fish for anglers around the world. Carp are traditional and popular food fish.


Textile Fish Mini Pike (45 cm)

Bring your passion for fish into your living room or children's room with this handmade textile fish, or use it to decorate your clubhouse. Also ideal as a gift for fish enthusiasts. Specifications: Length: 45 cm Material: 100% Polyester Made in Europe About the Pike (Esox Lucius):The Northern Pike is a species of carnivorous fish of the genus Esox. It inhabits almost every freshwater in the world and some coastal areas of seas. It exhibits the typical features of an ambush predator; a long body shape and camouflage colouring. The Pike a very agressive hunter and feeds mainly on fish, small aquatic animals like frogs, rodents and birds. It is very sporting and highly sought after fish knows for its extravagant lunges and jumps. Fishing and Fly fishing on Pike become very popular today. It is, nonetheless, a very sensitive species and reacts negatively to changes in the environment.
