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Sedge & Stonefly

Product information "Sedge & Stonefly"

Tying images, pupae, nymphs, larvae" is the third volume of the "Superfly" series.

This work offers imitations of trichoptera and stoneflies in all their possible morphologies, from larvae and nymphs to emergent and adult, including the so-called cripple and stillborn.

On the other hand, you will experience different innovative types of construction, capable of making sedge and stonefly wings decidedly more robust, and at the same time more imitating and floating. And also easier to tie.

Author: Roberto Messori
Language: English
The characteristics: 49 imitation models; 29 tying methods, 88 photos of imitated insects
Editorial format: Hard cover, 22 x 29 cm format, 244 pages, coated paper.

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