Fly Rods & Blanks
Rewarding fly-fishing experience with Rudi Heger fly rods!
One needs six different pieces to make a working setup at the start of any fly-fishing adventure: the rod, the reel, the back, the fly, the leader or the tippet and the fly. The fly rod being the essential item in this formation. Since the fisher does not want to be noticed by the fish, he has to make cautious movements that do not set off an alarm. Any unexpected noises or unusual sounds will alert the fish of any object that lands on the water. Hence, the equipment has to be adequate and well suited to the fisher’s skills. This is exactly why Rudi Heger high-performance fly rods are the best accessories for fly fishing, offering precise control over all fly casting movements and transforming this experience into the adventure of a lifetime.
Strong, flexible and extra light fly fishing rods
Generally fishing rods are longer because they have to load and dispatch a long section of weighted line several meters above the water. Not to mention that they have to bend substantially, in a sharp manner, as the line is released to wider lengths during casting. They, also have to adjust with ease and accuracy when the hook is set. An excellent choice of such a delicate piece of equipment is The Sage fly rod. This particular fly rod features the brand’s revolutionary KONNETIC HD Technology, which gives it a frictionless, ultra-fast action, loading and unloading the line at incredible speed. As one of the fastest rods on the market, The Sage fly rod is the perfect choice for punching through the wind or casting long distances with heavy flies.
Choose only high-class and premium quality flyrods and blanks
The fly rod is your extension into nature and it is therefore important that you choose a high quality fly rod that will allow you to make long casts to the other side of the bank, feel your fly work in the water, set the hook when the fish take your fly and then land it with confidence. In our online shop you will find a good selection of quality rods at an affordable price ready to meet any fly fisher requirements. From fly rod blanks, single-handed fly rods, two handed fly rods, switch rods to complete packages from brands like: REDINGTON, TRAUN RIVER and HANAK. Whether you seek a small and light fly rod for the trout creeks or a big heavy-duty saltwater fly rod to go hunt for big tarpon we've got it all!
Buy fly fishing rods and blanks online at Rudi Heger
The fly fishing equipment does not have to be expensive because in our online shop, you will find excellent fly fishing rods and blanks at top prices at any time. In addition, there are no shipping costs if the order value of your products is over €100. Whether for a birthday, Christmas or any other occasion, give our gift cards to friends who are just as enthusiastic about fly fishing as you are.
Grand Slam Master Set
Deluxe Outfit: SAGE Trout LL 590-4
990-4 SALT R8 Special Edition Fly Rod