Fly Fur Pike Streamer
Faden: Veevus 150 DKörper: Deer Creek Mega Laser Dub, tobacco oder Euro Seal & UV Dubbing, Cinamon
Augen: Easy Shrimp Eyes
Haken: Gamakatsu F314 #8-4
Beisspunkt: Deer Creek Mega Laser Dub, red. Optional ein bisschen Crystal Flash als Schwanz.
Beschwerung: Bleidraht

Start of by attaching the thread (Veevus GSP+ G02 100D) on the hook, Gamakatsu F314 #1, and tie it to the hook bend.2.
Cut 1 bundle (strip approx. 1x width of material clamp & 2cm wide) of Fly Fur Tan and tie it in on top of the hook.

Tie in two to four Whiting Cream feathers in different lenghts.4.
Tie in a couple strands of Hedron Flashabou Predator Holographic and secure it with a drop of Zap A Gap.

Build the body with Flyscene Long Ice Hackle Chenille Tan.6.
Now cut a good bundle of Fly Fur Tan and lay it flat on the table. Put in some flash, aproximately 4-6 strands.

Now secure the mix of Fly Fur and flash in a material clamp.8.
Now tie a dubbing loop ca. 10 cm and put the mix of Fly Fur and flash into it. Now spin the dubbing loop with a dubbing twister so the fibers and flash and secured between in the thread. Brush out the hairs with a dubbing brush for the best results. Tie in the dubbing loop as a hackle forward to the hook eye and secure.

Tie in a bundle of white and brown Fly Fur (Hollowtied) so the fibers point away from the hook bend.
Now turn the Fly Fur around and secure it with the thread. Tie in some more flash to finish the back part of the fly.

Now take the front hook for the fly F314 #1/0 and attach the thread Veevus GSP+ G02 100D.12.
Take som quality pike wire and slide ont he back part of the fly. Then form a small loop and slide on two pearls and secure it with the thread and some Zap A Gab. It is a good ideal tie in the pike wire two times.

Another bundle of Fly Fur tan is put into a dubbing loop and tied in as a hackle.14.
Let a small area of the hook stay bare (ca. 5 mm) and make another dubbing loop with Fly Fur.

Tie in the dubbing loop as a hackle.16.
Now do excately like step 9.

Fold back the Fly Fur and tie in some Hedron Flashabou Predator Holographic at the upper part and some Flyscene Micro Flash Pearl at the lower part.18.
Take some Deer Creek Mega Laser Dub in brown and orange. Tie in the brow dubbing on the upper part and the orange on the lower part.

Now turn around the excess material pointing fowards to create a bigger head and secure it with the thread. Make a Whip finish and secure the thread with some clear varnish.20.
Finish the fly with a pair of Fish Skull Living Eyes Fire 10mm and secure them with Bug-Bond UV glue to make a small beautiful head.Streamer Fur
dark shaphire
Perfect for Trout, Pike, Perch, Zander, Catfish, Taimen, Steelhead and Sea Trout Streamers!
Half the underfur and twice the overfur of other select craft furs. Longest, most supple fibers will not leave you wanting for your pike and streamer patterns. Super fine fibers are coated so that they do not clump, but flow freely when wet.
Patch size: 35 x 6 cm.
Half the underfur and twice the overfur of other select craft furs
Longest, most supple fibers will not leave you wanting for your pike and streamer patterns
Super fine fibers are coated so that they do not clump, but flow freely when wet
Uniquely designed colors for fish - not left over colors from other industries
Great marabou replacement
Perfect for tying your flies and jigs
Outlasts the natural fibers it replaces
Fibers made from 45% post-consumer products
35 x 6 cm patch size
Traun River