Damsel Nymph
Faden: Veevus 150 DKörper: Deer Creek Mega Laser Dub, tobacco oder Euro Seal & UV Dubbing, Cinamon
Augen: Easy Shrimp Eyes
Haken: Gamakatsu F314 #8-4
Beisspunkt: Deer Creek Mega Laser Dub, red. Optional ein bisschen Crystal Flash als Schwanz.
Beschwerung: Bleidraht
Rippung: Kupferdraht ultra

Secure the Tiemco TMC 2312 # 6 and roughly shape a body with a strip of lead.2.
Secure the lead neatly with Uni Thread 6/0 olive and at the same time prepare the body shape. At the end, make a small ball with the thread. This should spread the fibers in the next steps.

Tie in the tip of a CDC feather olive, cut it off and evenly fill the back of the body with the thread.4.
Infront of the tail, first tie in the Veniard Magic Glass V-Rib lite olive. If you warm the tip with a lighter and pull it out with your fingers, it's a bit easier. Then tie in Flat Pearl Tinsel & tie the thread forward.

Tie the Tinsel forward.6.
Now make the body with the Veniard Magic Glass V-Rib lite olive and stop 2/3 of the way to the hook eye.

Now tie in a small amout CDC as a little wing.8.
From the Wapsi Thin Skin Mottled Oak orange (brown I unfortunately had not) cut a strip & cut out a small triangle at the back. Then tie it in just infront of the CDC wing.

Fold back the thin skin, tie a thin layer SLF Davy Wotton Squirrel Dub. Then on each side 3 legs of geese biots & always a layer of dubbing inbetween to seperate the legs. Don´t use to much dubbing, the heads should be just a tiny bit larger than the body.
Make 2 eyes from 2 beads from melted monofilament (here suffix) and tie them in and secure with cross windings.

Now pull the skin over the head to form the thorax and secure it just behind the eyes.12.
Hide the cross windings with a tiny amount of dubbing to form the head. Then fold the Thin Skin over it, tie it to the front, cut it off and form the head and fishish the fly. Secure with varnish or Zap A Gap.

Then embed the head in Bug Bond UV glue to make the fly stronger.14.
Finally bend the legs and fix the kinks with a little bug bond. The "ankles" are unfortunately not preserved in the pattern. No products found.