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Fly Fishing
- Angeln mit Streamer
- Interview Gerhard Laible
- Fly Fishing for Beginners
- Flyfishers from foreign countries
- Fly Fishing in Autumn
- Fly Fishing for Grayling
- The right leader for fly fishing
- Wathose Kaufberatung
RIO Trout Fly Lines
- Season Start - Tackle Check
- Fly Fishing for Hucho
- RIO SlickCast & ConnectCore Plus
- Fly Fishing for Carp
- Fly Fishing with Mayflies
- Fly Rod for Sea Trout
- SAGE R8 Technology
- Fly Fishing for Pike
- Czech Nymphing
- Trout Spey Fly Fishing
- Advantages of Trout Trap Nymphs
- Fly Fishing in Saltwater
- Fly Fishing for Bonefish
- Accessories Recommendations
- HANAK Competition
- Fly Fishing for Trout with Hopper Flies
- Fly Tying
Fly Fishing

Basics of modern fly lines
The most common characteristic of a fly line is the line class. For trout fishing you usually need line classes from # 2 to # 6. In our opinion you should stay with the recommended fly line classes of the specific fly rod. We do not suggest to fish SAGE rods with one higher line class than the actual line class of the rod.
Line class # 2 is mainly made for very delicate trout fishing in little streams and when you expect smaller to medium sized fish.
Line classes # 4 and #5 are by far the most fished fly rods and fly lines for trout and grayling. If you plan to chase big trout on large waters then you should choose line class #6 for perfect casting and fishing.
Nowsdays most of the fished fly lines are weight forward (WF) lines. You will find this abbreviation on most of the modern fly lines. e.g. WF-5-F means: weight forward, line class 5, F= floating. The following explained fly lines are all weight forward trout lines.
With a weight forward fly line you have a certain taper or profile of the line. Most of the weight is positioned in the front part of the line. This part enables you to cast further distances. But the different profiles of the lines give different casting and fishing abilities and different usages. After the front head of the line you will find the so called running line. It is a thin coated line behind the head of the fly line.
Modern fly lines can be distinguished with the following features. These features define the abilities how to cast and to fish with this fly line:
- Line class: fromt #2 til #6 can be used for trout fishing in Europe
- Taper (profile): is it a weight forward (WF) line or is it a double tapered (DT) line?
- Core: What type of core does the fly line have? Braided of mono core?
Standard fly line cores have a stretch of 15 to 20% in length. Modern low stretch cores like RIOs ConnectCorePlus have a low stretch of 6%. - Sinking Rates: F=floating, slow sinking (I=intermediate), sinking (S3= sinks 3 inch pro per second approx. 7,5 cm/s)
- Coating: SlickCast is the latest and best coating RIO can offer. It the most durable and slickest coating they ever developed.
- Loop connections: does the line feature little loops on the ends? This makes is very easy to change leaders etc.
- Colours: How many colours does the fly line have?
- Laser-Easy-ID: RIO fly lines usually have the laser id printed onto the front part of the fly line. It show the type, class etc.
- Max Float Tip: some of the most sold trout fly lines feature a "max float tip". eg. RIO Gold. There you will find approx. 60 cm of the tip which feels a little rough. A special material is applied onto the tip of the fly line to have a perfect floating tip.

RIO Gold Fly Lines
Features of the RIO Gold fly lines:
- There are 2 versions of the RIO GOLD fly lines:
Version 1: RIO Elite Gold - with ConnectCore Plus core (low stretch) and SlickCast Coating
Version 2: RIO Premier Gold - with SlickCast Coating - the most durable and slickest coating
- Line classes: # 3 til # 8
- Taper WF, head length 14,6m (mit Front und Rear Taper) total length: 27,4m
- Core: braided core (ConnecCore Plus or stanard core)
- Coating: SlickCast Coating
- Loops: micro loops on both ends
- Colours: two tone - (Premier Gold) or SureFire three coloured (Elite Gold)
- Laser Easy ID: type and class is printed
- Max Float Tip: some of the most sold trout fly lines feature a "max float tip". eg. RIO Gold. There you will find approx. 60 cm of the tip which feels a little rough. A special material is applied onto the tip of the fly line to have a perfect floating tip.
RIO Gold Fliegenschnüre
Elite Gold
Premier Gold (moss/gold - floating) Fly Line
RIO Technical Trout Fly Lines
This line series is perfect of delicate and smooth presentations. Especially fly fishers who love casting will enjoy this line a lot. The longer head (long belly line) enables you to cast on long distances with pinhole accuracy. Dry flies can be presented with the highest precision.
- RIO Technical Trout is available in 3 versions:
Version 1: RIO Elite Technical Trout - with ConnectCore Plus (low stretch) and SlickCast coating
Version 2: RIO Premier Technical Trout (WF)- with SlickCast Coating - the most durable and slickest coating
Version 3: RIO Premier Technical Trout (DT) -with SlickCast Coating - the most durable and slickest coating -
Line classes : # 3 to # 6
- Taper: WF, Head length 15,8 m - total length: 27,4m - (also available in DT version)
- Core: braided core (ConnecCore Plus or standard core)
- Coating: SlickCast Coating
- Loops: micro loops on both ends
- Colours: two tone- (Premier Technical Trout) or SureFire - three colours (Elite Technical Trout)
Laser Easy ID: type and class is printed on the front of the line
RIO Technical Trout Fliegenschnüre
Elite Technical Trout
Premier Technical Trout (WF-floating)
Premier Technical Trout (DT-floating)
RIO Perception Fly Lines
Fly fishers love the RIO Perception because of its shorter head (short belly line - 11 Meter). Thus you will be loaed very quickly and presentations from short to long distances are possible in a perfect way.
Fpr all nymph fishermen: the bright green tip of the fly line makes it very easy to detect strikes during nymphing without any strike indicator.
- There are 2 versions of the RIO Perception available:
Version 1: RIO Elite Perception - with ConnectCore Pluse core(low stretch) and SlickCast coating
Version 2: RIO Premier Perception - with SlickCast Coating - the most durable and slickest RIO coating -
Line class: # 3 to # 8
- Taper: WF-5-F, Head length 11,0 m - total length: 27,4m
- Core: braided core (ConnecCore Plus core or standard core)
- Coating: SlickCast Coating
- Loops: micro loops on both ends
- Colours: two tone - (Premier Perception) or three-coloured (Elite Perception)
Laser Easy ID: type and line class is printed on the front of the line
RIO Perception Fliegenschnüre
Elite Perception
Premier Perception Fly Line
RIO "Special Lines" for Trout Fishing
The above mentioned fly lines will probably cover 80% of all needed trout fishing applications. But RIO offers some exeptional good fly lines for so special allplications.
- RIO Elite GRAND: this fly lines is calibrated 3/4 heavier than a standard line class. Thus this enables you to present larger flies with a lot of power. Alsways good to combine it with a fast rod.
- RIO Premier Creek: this fly line a available in line classes #0 to #5. It features a short head (9m) and loads your rod very quickly. This line is recommended for shorter rods and smaller waters like creeks.
- RIO Single Handed Spey: perfect for single handed spey casts, switch casts of roll casts. The line features a lone "rear taper" which enables you to make great swith of roll casts.
- AVID & Mainstream lines: those lines are universal fly lines with a good price point. They do not feature the latest technologies and have only one colour and one loop. Neverhteless those lines are great for once in a while flyfishermen who want a good quality line!
RIO Spezial-Fliegenschnüre
Elite Grand
Premier Creek
ELITE Single Handed Spey
ELITE Single Handed Spey 3D (F/H/I)
Avid Gold (floating)
Mainstream WF (floating)
"Must Have" equipment
There are a few equipments pieces which help you to enjoy the time on the water. We have put togehter a few of those "must have" proucts. We have tested all those products and can fully recommend them.
Please check before you go to the water:
- "Fkoatant" - Still something in your Nev-R-Sink bottle?
- Tippet spools- you still have enough 5X tippet? How old is it?
- Polarizing glasses? Where was it again? We suggest glasses from AQUILA.
AQUILA Polarizing Glasses Ghillie (green mirror)
Ghillie (tortoise/brown) Polarisationsbrille
GHILLIE (black/amber) Polarizing Glasses
Super Tippet (50 m)
Tapered Fluorocarbon Leader (9ft)
Mitten Scissor Scherenklemme (rainbow)
Nev-R-Sink Floatant
Elite Gold
Nev-R-Sink Powder
Grayling Special Leader (with Loop)
Mitten Scissor Scherenklemme (Trout)
Forceps 14 cm Trout with Needle
Mitten Scissor Scherenklemme (black)
Trout Special Leader (with Loop)