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Fly Fishing
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Fly Fishing for Carp
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Fly Fishing

Fly fishing for Carp
A strong tapered leader and a floating weight forward line with sufficient backing are the basic requirements for successful carp stalking.
The fly reel should have a very good drag! A carp's constant powerful flight and head movements can put a lot of strain on a reel and its braking system. The gentle start of a drag is particularly important in order to avoid a quick leader break.
Areas of fishing
Stalk the fish very slowly, using the cover of trees, bushes and tall grass. Wait to make your first cast and watch the fish. Now comes the trickiest part of fishing: where will the fish go? Where do I have to present my flies so that the fish swim exactly to the fly? This is why prior observation is very helpful. A good pair of polarized glasses can help enormously!
R8 Core Fly Rod
Spectrum LT Reel (Morel)
Elite Grand
Special advice:
We wish you a lot of fun hunting for coarse fish in the summer. Send us pictures of your successful carp stalking! #rudihegerflyfishing (Years ago, one of our employees managed to catch a big carp on your 15cm long pike streamer. The carp completely inhaled the streamer!)
Practical tip: To start with, it certainly helps to “stimulate” the carp with bread flakes. The fish usually get used to it quickly and then eat diligently in place.
Please note: fly fishing with "bread flies" also involves certain risks - please make sure that NO ducks snap at the fly. You should definitely avoid this problem and quickly remove the bait or distract the ducks with a feeding place on land.
Equipment required – recommendations:
Fly rod:
Fly reel:
In principle, almost any fly reel with a very good drag is suitable here. The brake ensures that the carp cannot take an infinite amount of line right from the start and gets tired much more quickly.
Fly line:
Basically any floating fly line is suitable. However, lines with a pronounced club such as RIO Grand or AVID Grand are an advantage as they transport larger flies such as bread flies much better.
Carp Leaders:
The standard length is 9ft (275cm) of a monofilament tapered nylon leader. We recommend thicknesses of 0.25mm to 0.30mm. Here you should be guided by the size of the fish in the water. As a rule, feeding carp are not leader-shy.
Most important accessories:
Clearly the floatant (floating agent/fly grease) Nev-R-Sink. This needs to be applied to the dry fly from the fly box. Then the bread crust floats very long and well. Avid Grand (floating)
Maverick Fly Rod
Squirmy Wormy Set
Predator II Fly Rod
Tapered Leaders (275 cm)
Explorer Fly Rod
Elite Grand
Squirmy Wormy (natural)