Product information "Dually II Fly Rod (Switch Rod)"
The original Dually proved that two hands are better than one, so the progression of this two-handed rod was simple. Redington lightened the overall rod weight, improved tip stability, and completely updated the handle. Whether you’re wanting to be more efficient on your local trout stream or are in search of wild steelhead, the new Dually features rod weights and lengths to cover bodies of water from the Skeena to the MO and everything in between.
- Medium-fast action
- Anodized aluminium reel seat for improved durabililty
- Soft-toch EVA pinch grip sections for better line control
- Matte Bronze finish
- Alignment dots for easy rod setup
- Durable cordura rod tube with dividers
- Available in Trout-Spey, Switch and Spey configurations
Technical details of Redington Dually II Trout Spey & Switch Rods
Model | Line class | Line Weight (Grains) |
Length cm | Parts | Weight g |
4106-4 | 4 | 300 +/- 25 | 320 | 4 | 142 |
5110-4 | 5 | 325 +/- 25 | 335 | 4 | 153 |
6110-4 | 6 | 375 +/- 25 | 335 | 4 | 156 |
7116-4 | 7 | 450 +/- 25 | 350 | 4 | 167 |
8116-4 | 8 | 500 +/- 25 | 350 | 4 | 181 |
Details of the Redington Dually II Trout Spey & Switch Rods
4106-4 Trout Spey
The 4106-4 was designed for larger trout rivers with more power to combat the wind and turnover larger flies. Recommended Skagit Grains: 300-325 Scandi Grains: 275-300
5110-4 Switch
The 5110-4 is at home swinging traditional flies for half-pounders near the coast or stack mending heavier trout indictor rigs. Recommended Skagit Grains: 325-350 Scandi Grains: 300-325
6110-4 Switch
The 6110-4 is the perfect rod for light summer steelhead on smaller rivers or for the trout angler looking to cast articulated flies using a Skagit head. Recommended Skagit Grains: 375-400 Scandi Grains: 350-375
7116-4 Switch
The 7116-4 is the do-it-all switch rod for steelheading on smaller rivers or those rivers with tighter casting spaces. Recommended Skagit Grains: 450-475 Scandi Grains: 400-425
8116-4 Switch
The 8116-4 is the heaviest switch rod in the Dually lineup and is meant for turning over heavy sink tips and larger flies while swinging for winter steelhead or salmon. This rod is also designed for overhand casting shooting heads into the wind off your favorite beach. Recommended Skagit Grains: 500-525 Scandi Grains: 450-500
Redington - Innovative fly fishing equipment for every adventure
1 of 1 reviews
Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
26 September 2024 17:38
Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars
Redington Dually II Fliegenrute (Switch) 8116-4
Auch hier tritt Redington einmal ein weiteres Mal den Beweis an das es möglich ist gute Fliegenruten zu einem relativ attraktiven Preis herzustellen Ich fische diese Rute mit der RIO Elite Switch Chucker Vollschnur #520gr. Eine gute Switch-Rute wenn es gilt große Fliegen auf Weite zu präsentieren. Das Wurfverhalten dieser Rute ist phänomenal Diese Rute eignet sich auch für die Lachs- und Meerforellenfischerei. Ich nutzte diese Rute zum Raubfischangeln an breiten Flussläufen oder an großen Gewässern wie Seen oder Talsperren
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