Crystal Flesh Fibre
Head to Tail Fibre
Natural Shade Tapered Brush
Dyed Mirage Lateral Scale (1/69")
Tail Fibres Fibbets (Spinner Tails)
Seals Fur Substitute Dispenser
UV Polar Chenille
Minnow Body Wrap
Chocklett's Finesse Body Chenille
Chocklett's Gamechanger Chenille
Mini Flatbraid
Universal Quill
UV Body Form
Shrimp Dub Brush
Crab Claws
Magic Wing
Gummy Minnow Kit
Wing N Flash
Realistic Soft Rubber Legs (honey)
True Mayfly Bodies (ash grey)
Aero Dry Wing
Hare Plus Dubbing
True Mayfly Bodies (blue quill)
True Wings Mayfly (grey)
Spectraflash Chenille
Standard Chenille
Mayfly Nymph Bodies (olive)
Realistic Soft Rubber Legs (brown)
Holographic FLASHABOU
Body Material, Dubbing & Wings
In this category you will find everything to give your flies a beautiful body. Our range includes: Polycelon, Polypropylene, Copper Wire, Bodygills, Bodyglass, Chenille, Dubbing, Mayfly, Wings. All materials are available in different colors.