
Fly Fishing for Giant Catfish - A Fascination
Fly Fishing for Giant Catfish - A FascinationRudi Heger worked on improving the fly fishing techniques for Giant Catfish for many years. He caught several world record Catfish on a fly rod. This unique movie shows the techniques how to catch giant catfish with a fly rod. In the early years Rudi Heger had a realistic chance of catching one or two Catfish on a streamer, using a fly rod - during a whole weeks fishing! Today, ten years later, we have come a long way and now know that those who have learned their lessons, by fly fishing constantly for Catfish, maybe have a chance to catch one Catfish on a fly - per day. Join this absolutely trip to the Giant Catfish!Laufzeit: 40 MinutenSprachen: Deutsch, EnglischRegie: Frank MeißnerKamera: Sandor Bonnier Musik: The Hives
Traun River
Fly Fishing for Pike - A Fascination
Fly Fishing for Pike - A Fascination
Rudi Heger and Fritz Seyfferth have been successful fly fishermen for more than 40 years. In this DVD these two professional fishermen explain in detail modern fly fishing tactics, the exceptional flies, essential tackle setup and why choosing the correct fly line is so important for catching Pike on a fly. Learn new methods and tips for successful Pike fly fishing in shallow water during spring and in deep water during summer and autumn. Compositions from Harold Faltermeyer and other music accentuate this fascinating film.
Running Time: 62 MinutenLanguage: English and GermanDirected by: Frank MeißnerCamera: Sandor BonnierMusic: Harold Faltermeyer and various Artists
Traun River
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