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Sage Trout LL Fliegenruten Abverkauf / Sale


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Fliegenfischen Bayern - Viadukt - Rudi Heger


Here you can find details to our fantastic trout waters!


Latest Fly Fishing Products


I/O Fleece Pants

Size: L
­ Redington

€39.90* €79.90* (50.06% saved)

Classis R8 Fly Rod

Type: 490-4 (#4 / 275cm / 9ft / 4-pcs)


Elite Gold Max

­ RIO Products


Elite Gold XP

­ RIO Products


Primaloft Jacket

­ Traun River


See fishing world reports - Fly Fishing:

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rudihegerflyfishing Wir wünschen Euch ein schönes Wochenende! Wir sehen uns am Wasser! 😉😍 Habe a nice Weekend! See you at the water!! 😍😉 #fliegenfischen #traun #rudiheger #trockenfliege #sichtfischerei #fliegenfischenbayern #flyfishing #flyfishbavaria #dryfly #traunriver #siegsdorf #traunstein

June 21 2024 View on Instagram

rudihegerflyfishing Vielen Dank an Marcel Roncari für den Besuch an der bayerischen Traun mit seinen Gästen! Er kommt seit mehr als 2 Jahrzehnten nach Siegsdorf, um seinen Fischer-Gruppen die Fischerei an der bayerischen Traun zu zeigen. Egal ob es regnet, stürmt oder schneit. Er strahlt immer eine Ruhe und Professionialität aus. Seine Erfolge sprechen für sich! Danke Marcel! ---- Un grand merci à Marcel Roncari pour avoir visité le Traun bavarois avec ses invités ! Il vient à Siegsdorf depuis plus de deux décennies pour montrer à ses groupes de pêcheurs comment pêcher sur le Traun bavarois. Qu'il pleuve, qu'il y ait un orage ou qu'il neige. Il respire toujours le calme et le professionnalisme. Ses succès parlent d'eux-mêmes ! Grand Grand Merci Marcel! #fliegenfischen #flyfishing #pechealamouche #flyfishingaddict #guidedflyfishing #flyfishingguide #traunriver #rudiheger #nymphing #nymphaufil #sightfishing #bachforelle #regenbogenforelle #siegsdorf #forelle #chiemgau #traunstein

May 22 2024 View on Instagram


rudihegerflyfishing Hier ein ein Blick über die Schulter von Simon beim ultra-leichten Nymph-Fischen auf Sicht. Wir wünschen ein schönes Wochenende! Here you can see Simon while ultralight nymph fishing on sight at the German Traun. We wish you a great weekend! #fliegenfischen #flyfishing #nymphing #nymphfishing #nymph #traun #traunriver #rudiheger #sageflyfish #rioproducts #flyfishingadict #fliegenfischenbayern #traunstein

May 17 2024 View on Instagram


rudihegerflyfishing A wonderful German Brown Trout from our Home River! Deutsche Traun! ❤️😍 eine wahre Schönheit von Bachforelle aus der deutschen Traun! Danke @simon_flyfish

May 14 2024 View on Instagram

rudihegerflyfishing Vielen Dank für den Besuch unseres Zweihandruten-Events an der mittleren Isar! Dank auch an die @dieisarfischer für die tolle Zusammenarbeit! Es wurde geworfen, gefachsimpelt und fleissig getestet. Die Produktfavoriten waren die 9140-6 R8 Spey Rute (#9, sechsteilig) und die zwei Trout Spey HD Ruten 2109-4 (#2) bzw. 3110-4 (#3). Ebenso kam die neue SAGE SPEY Rolle sehr gut an! Danke für die Unterstützung! ---------------- Thank you for visiting our two-handed casting event on the middle Isar close to Munich! Thanks also to @dieisarfischer for the great collaboration! There was casting, testing and chatting. The product favorites were the 9140-6 R8 Spey rod (#9, six-piece) and the two Trout Spey HD rods 2109-4 (#2) and 3110-4 (#3). The new SAGE SPEY reel was also very well received! Thanks for the support! #fliegenfischen #lachsangeln #troutspey #sageflyfish #rioproducts #traunriver @dieisarfischer #rudiheger #sageflyrod #casting #flyfishing #bayern #isar

April 5 2024 View on Instagram


rudihegerflyfishing Am 12. April 2024 eröffnen wir die von uns bewirtschafteten Strecken an der bayerischen Traun! Wir freuen uns sehr darauf, die neue Saison 2024 mit Euch mit einer bayerischen Brotzeit hier in Siegsdorf zu starten! Meldet Euch bitte telefonisch rechtzeitig an! +49 (0)8662 7070 #saisonstart2024 #bayerischetraun #rudiheger #fliegenfischen

March 7 2024 View on Instagram

Welcome to the Rudi Heger Fly Fishing Webshop!

Fly Fishing as a leisure activity, as a passion or as a lifelong virus

Fly fishing can have a different meaning for each person. For some it is a wonderful leisure activity in harmony with nature and for others it is a lifelong passion that is pursued in an absolutely perfectionist and professional manner. No matter what type of fly fisherman you are: at you will definitely find the right, high-quality product for fly fishing and we will be happy to help you with professional advice to find the right equipment for you!

Huge amount of knowlegde - catch the fish of your lifetime with us!

For more than 44 years we have been using our fly rods at various fly fishing destinations around the world. With regard to trout and grayling fishing, we only have to go to the company's front door and there we can test our products directly on the Bavarian River Traun. We are happy to help you plan your trip and ask about the right equipment! Just give us a call or send us an email.

The perfect fly fishing equipment

Only a balanced equipment will ultimately bring you to your fly fishing goal and give you satisfaction at the water. In our webshop we offer you a large selection of flies, fly rods, fly reels, fly lines, fly rod sets, wading clothing including waders, wading shoes and waders with the necessary accessories to be successful on the water. In addition, you can prove your craftsmanship when tying flies with our products. Because we also offer fly tying material such as tungsten beads and vises for making flies according to your ideas. Just think of the feeling when you pull a trout out of the water with a selfmade fly for the first time.

In our fly fishing shop you will find the best-known brands on the market: SAGE fly rods, SAGE fly reels, RIO fly lines, Redington, Patagonia, Whiting, Outcast, Korkers, Tiemco, Traun River, Hanak, Veevus, Tibor, Maxima, Chota, Le Chameau, Schöffel, Cocoons, Renzetti and much more.

Famous Fly Fishing Waters in Bavaria and Austria

The beats that we manage in the Bavarian Traun river, in the heart of the Chiemgau, are known far beyond Bavaria's borders for their fantastic trout fishing with dry flies or nymphs. The Chiemgau also offers excellent lake fishing for pike or trout. In addition to the very renowned beats here in Bavaria, we also offer day tickets for the famous Styrian Salza, where you can always catch your dream grayling.

We are more than a simple fly fishing webshop - Courses, videos , reports and much more

For several decades we have been training fly fishermen on the stretches of water of the Bavarian Traun . Rudi Heger sees itself not only as a fly fishing online shop, but as a complete partner for fly fishing. You can book basic, advanced or perfection courses. These always include a practice-oriented part directly on the water. On request you can also book a personal single guiding for our waters with us. Rudi Heger also offers a lot digitally! In addition to many videos with helpful instructions and interesting insights, you will find a lot of information and insights from professionals with many years of experience in our blog or fly fishing world.

Highest Quality Fly Fishing Products - Rudi Heger Webshop

When purchasing the right products for fly fishing, you should always pay attention to good to very good quality. All of our products, across all categories, have been intensively tested on the water. With this test experience and our extensive, professional technical and product knowledge, we are happy to advise you with the best service. This means that only selected products of the highest quality at a good price are in the Rudi Heger range.

Perfectly equipped for all fly fishing occasions

Fly fishing does not have to be expensive, because you can always find great bargains in the offers category of our fly fishing / fly tying shop. In addition, there are no shipping costs if the order value of your products is over €150 (within Europe). Whether it's for a birthday or another occasion, give away our vouchers to friends who are just as enthusiastic about fly fishing as you are.  

AQUILA Polarized Glasses
The AQUILA polarizing sunglasses have a fantastic design, offer a superb protection and provide the highest comfort for your eyes! The brandnew AQUILA Premium Polarized glasses meet the highest standards for fishing glasses. They are produced by a worldwide leading manufacturer of premium sports sunglasses. The frames are made of polycarbonat material. Thus the frame is very durable and light. The frames are produced through a double injection moulding process. The soft nose and ear paddings are made with a comfortable and soft rubber composition. The comfort of wearing these glasses is very high. Delivery will be with a microfiber cleaning cloth. TAC Lenses: The lenses of the AQUILA Premium polarized glasses are built with triacetate cellusose material. They are made with 7 layers (including the polarizing layer) which results in a perfect protection and crystal clear view. Additionally the lenses are very durable and resistant against dust and wear and tear. The AQUILA polarized glasses filter 100% of the UV-A and UV-B radiation of the sunlight and protect your eyes. The polarizing filter ensures a anti-reflection on water surfaces. You will gain fantastic views to see fish. The AQUILA glasses will protect your eyes from sunlight, reflections and approaching tungsten nymphs pretty well!
HANAK CompetitionHANAK successfully contribute on the development of  fly-fishing products with the best Czech fly fishermen, multiple World and Europe Champions, and many other great fishermen and friends. The brand “HANÁK Competition” was created  by Frant Hanak and his brother. The products of this brand are successfully sold all around the world including Europe, USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Mongolia etc. HANAK Competition is developed by the best nymph fishermen in the world!
KORKERS Wading BootsKORKERS is well known as a premium brand for modern wading boots and their technology. KORKERS has developed wading boots with interchangable soles almost to perfection. The company was founded in the Northwest of America more than 60 years ago. The founder had the goal to produce the boots with the best possible traction for logging workers and steelhead guides. Nowadays the interchangeable sole system is fully developed and we are fully convinced with the existing technolgies. We are enthusiatic fans of all the KORKERS wading boots! The high-quality workmanship, the used technology, the materials, the comfort and the durability of the boots exceed the exspectations to a modern wading boot!
Patagonia Fly-Fishing / ClothingPatagonia clothing company is considered one of THE pioneers of sustainable clothing production. Patagonia was one of the first companies to produce its fleece clothing from recycled PET bottles. The quality and durability of Patagonia products is second to none. Patagonia offers a wide range of products for fly fishermen! The special Patagonia fly fishing collection is developed and extensively tested by fly fishermen for fly fishermen. Patagonia Swiftcurrent waders are among the best on the market! Over many years Patagonia has managed to develop and constantly improve innovative products. We offer you a large selection of great Patagonia products!
RIO Products
For more than 20 years, RIO has demonstrated passion, innovation and a pure love for the sport through its development of the industry's highest performance fly lines. And the great news is, we will continue to research, design and refine our products to ensure they are your preferred line of choice for years to come.Product development like that won't happen all by itself – that level of commitment is going to require thousands more hours on the water – but somebody's got to do it, and that somebody is RIO. No matter what line family, price level or quality RIO fly line you choose, you can fish happy in the knowledge that every single fly line is made in our Idaho Falls facility – close to the banks of our premium testing grounds, the Henry’s Fork and the South Fork of the Snake in Idaho. Fly line manufacturing is a complicated business requiring incredibly sophisticated machinery.RIO spends thousands of hours on the water researching, designing & refining products.
SAGE Fliegenruten - MADE IN THE USASAGE ist kein anonymer Großkonzern. SAGE ist eher ein Ort an dem handwerklich äußerst begabte und talentierte Menschen zusammen arbeiten, um die weltweit besten Fliegenruten und Fliegenrollen zu designen und zu bauen. SAGE Mitarbeiter erledigen das mit Ihren Händen und mit vollem Herzen. Sie teilen Ihre Ideen und sind immer auf der Suche nach weiteren Verbesserungen. Alle SAGE Ruten werden auf Bainbridge Island (USA) von Hand gefertigt. Während der Produktion sind hunderte Handgriffe notwendig und jede Rute geht durch die Hände von 23 Personen. SAGE fischt die gleichen Stellen und Gewässer wie Sie. SAGE hat mit den gleichen harten Bedingungen am Fluss, auf dem Flat oder an der Küste zu kämpfen wie Sie. All Ihre Erfahrungen am Wasser fließen in die Produkte von SAGE ein - und das seit vielen Generationen.
Traun River
TRAUN RIVER ist die von Rudi Heger ins Leben gerufene Marke. Seit vielen Jahrzehnten überzeugt die Marke mit hochqualitativen Produkten für Fliegenfischer. Vom Vorfach, über Fliegenschnüre bis hin zu Wathosen und Watschuhen bietet Ihnen TRAUN RIVER ein sehr gute Preis-Leistungsverhältnis! Alle TRAUN RIVER Produkte werden intensiv an der bayerischen Traun getestet bevor sie auf den Markt kommen. TRAUN RIVER Produkte bereiten Ihnen eine große Freude am Wasser!