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BeadMaster - Fliegenbinde Werkzeug

Produktinformationen "BeadMaster - Fliegenbinde Werkzeug"

Das BeadMaster Fly Tying Tool - nie war es einfacher Tungsten- oder Goldkopfperlen auf den Haken aufzuziehen! Mit Hilfe dieses nützlichen Perlen-Werkzeugs können Sie zuerst die Perle mit dem Tool von einer Unterlage aufnehmen und dann einfach die Perle auf den Haken aufziehen. 

Dieses praktische Werkzeug ist eine gute Alternative zu Pinzetten, Nadeln und Fingern!

What makes the BeadMaster™ so special...


  1. Machine polished stainless steel handle provides a sleek look and comfortable feel and balance.
  2. Mounting foot and tip cap are molded from industrial polyurethane to ensure strength, durability and professional finish.
  3. Six offset mounting sockets allow for enhanced visibility and easy access to even the smallest bead.
  4. Innovative design of mounting sockets incorporates conical taper to align and keep beads in correct orientation.
  5. Hook channel facilitates easy removal of hook and bead.
  6. Molded reinforced ribs provided support and increased stability for mounting sockets.
  7. Each mounting socket is sized and individually labeled for corresponding bead size.
  8. Flat bottom of mounting foot allows the BeadMaster™ to stand alone on tying surface for easy access.
  9. Axially magnetized, neodymium rare earth magnet helps retrieve and secure hooks for easy access.
  10. Socket alignment indicator enables fast location of desired mounting socket when tying multiple flies with same size bead (simply rotate the mounting foot to align the desired socket with the indicator).

 More reasons to add the BeadMaster™ to your fly tying arsenal

Revolutionary alternative to tweezers, needles, and fingers.  Flexible mounting sockets hold beads in place with no moving parts or mechanical locks. No more beads springing across the room and no more stuck fingers.

Innovative offset design of mounting foot and gripping sockets make mounting beads a breeze. Hook channel facilitates easy removal of hook and bead.  See through feature lets you access beads from either end while hook channel facilitates easy removal of hook and bead.

Solid, comfortable feel.  Stainless steel handle provides a solid, comfortable feel and accommodates both right and left-handed tyers.

Easy to use. Simply place your beads on any surface with the counter drilled hole facing up, push the corresponding size mounting socket down on the bead, lift, thread the hook through the hole from the bottom of the mounting socket and pull away from the mounting foot.

Fits standard bead sizes.  Six mounting sockets sized to accommodate the six standard bead sizes from 1/16” to 5/32”.

Retrieve and secure hooks. Magnetic tip can be used to remove hooks from packaging and keeps them literally at your fingertips for quicker access.

Enables faster tying.  Picks up beads and holds them in the correct position, with little or no manual manipulation of the bead.  Once the bead is in the mounting socket, it stays there until it is mounted on a hook.

Not only does it really work, it looks great too.  Sleek professional design combined with the highest quality materials result in a cool looking tool.

Strength and durability.  The mounting foot is injection molded as a single component from industrial grade polyurethane resulting in a tool that is strong, flexible and will last a long, long time.
Made in the USA.  All parts sourced, manufactured and assembled in the United States of America.

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