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Stripping Basket (moss green)

Product information "Stripping Basket (moss green)"

This is the latest and most modern shooting basekt innovation for every fly fisher!
It is light, flexible, durable and very easy to carry! The tropical version is designed with a special copolymer for warmer climate zones.

Size: 39 x 30 x 14 cm
Weight: 425 g

Without loosing any functionality in holding its form the TAKE basket is flexible. We know that, flyfishermen come in all shapes and sizes. Basket will adapt wether you are wearing it in front or in side position, landing a fish from boat or messing with your morning coffee! Use it high when you wade deep or low on your hip when fishing from shore with the same ease of use!

The lightest striping basket on the market finally will allow you to bring it all over! And when it comes to fishing - you will not feel any weight of it at all all. TAKE basket is not only light but it is also soft. Therefore you won't hurt your fingers by hitting the basket while striping.

Again because of the material properties it is possible to pack the TAKE basket into your day pack and take it with you on a longer hike even to the most remote destinations. Also it packs into your luggage when you go for a longer trip to a foreign country – and you need good line control where ever you go!

Optimized spike layout
Our optimized spike layout and length formula fits perfect under any pile of running line and will keep it from tangling better the you ever experienced!

Reliable & Robust
Unibody construction without any stitches and glued seams makes our basket one of the STRONGEST on market. Unlike other soft baskets TAKE basket have unbelievable tear strength and ultimate flexibility making it almost indestructible. Besides, the convenient rod rest, designed to meet the size of almost any fly rod handle, is offering soft and secure "rod relax" while you change your fly or mess with knots.

Since unlike the plastic baskets TAKE basket is made out of low density copolymer our basket will not sink if accidentally dropped or knocked in the water from the boat.

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€79.90* €88.50* (9.72% saved)

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Stripping Basket tropical Version

This is the latest and most modern shooting basekt innovation for every fly fisher!It is light, flexible, durable and very easy to carry! The tropical version is designed with a special copolymer for warmer climate zones. Size: 39 x 30 x 14 cmWeight: 425 g FlexibleWithout loosing any functionality in holding its form the TAKE basket is flexible. We know that, flyfishermen come in all shapes and sizes. Basket will adapt wether you are wearing it in front or in side position, landing a fish from boat or messing with your morning coffee! Use it high when you wade deep or low on your hip when fishing from shore with the same ease of use! UltralightThe lightest striping basket on the market finally will allow you to bring it all over! And when it comes to fishing - you will not feel any weight of it at all all. TAKE basket is not only light but it is also soft. Therefore you won't hurt your fingers by hitting the basket while striping. PackableAgain because of the material properties it is possible to pack the TAKE basket into your day pack and take it with you on a longer hike even to the most remote destinations. Also it packs into your luggage when you go for a longer trip to a foreign country – and you need good line control where ever you go! Optimized spike layoutOur optimized spike layout and length formula fits perfect under any pile of running line and will keep it from tangling better the you ever experienced! Reliable & RobustUnibody construction without any stitches and glued seams makes our basket one of the STRONGEST on market. Unlike other soft baskets TAKE basket have unbelievable tear strength and ultimate flexibility making it almost indestructible. Besides, the convenient rod rest, designed to meet the size of almost any fly rod handle, is offering soft and secure "rod relax" while you change your fly or mess with knots. FloatingSince unlike the plastic baskets TAKE basket is made out of low density copolymer our basket will not sink if accidentally dropped or knocked in the water from the boat.
